Characters like Barry, the money launderer or Nate, Michael’s brother, and threads like the complicated relationships between Michael and his mother and Michael and Fiona, are incorporated well and often. Season four does a nice job of bringing together both new and old characters, as well as carrying forward threads from the previous three seasons. However, the second part of the season proved to be much more thrilling and a satisfying payoff to what had come before.

The first half of the season involves a great deal of connections and false leads that were often intentionally confusing and frustrating.
Burn notice simon series#
While Jesse and Vaughn are new additions to season four, they are by no means the last in a series of characters that would follow a complex web filled with shady organizations, government conspiracies, and disloyalties. Jesse and Fiona often openly flirt despite her relationship with Michael, making for an uncomfortable and sometimes antagonistic alliance. Their power struggles also extend beyond the short-term jobs they take on and the larger mission to unravel Jesse’s involvement in Vaughn’s big picture.

Jesse’s role rapidly causes friction within the group as he has Michael’s skills and confidence, and is not always ready to defer to him. The introduction of Jesse into the already well-established dynamic of Michael, Fiona, and Sam is a tricky one, made more so by Michael’s unintentional betrayal.

Soon after, Jesse enlists Michael in helping him find who burned him, all the while unaware of Michael’s own role. Things quickly become complicated for Michael as he, along with Fiona (Gabrielle Anwar) and Sam (Bruce Campbell), unwittingly burn a fellow spy, Jesse Porter (Coby Bell), on Vaughn’s instructions. He soon meets his new handler, the mysterious and well-connected Vaughn (Robert Wisdom), and Michael reluctantly agrees to work for him in finding season three’s big villain, Simon. The fourth season of USA’s Burn Notice picks up immediately where the previous season left off: Michael Westen (Jeffrey Donovan) alone in an unknown location, reasons unknown.