How to upgrade successfully from Adblock Plus 2.8.2 (or below). Adblock Plus for Firefox \ blocks all intrusive advertisements everywhere on the web and. Important: If you are using Adblock Plus 2.9.1, keep in mind that some features available in 2.9.1 are not yet available in 3.0.0. The free Mozilla Firefox add-on removes all annoying online ads from your browser. Available for Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer and for your Android and iOS devices.
At this time, we have not found a solution to restore lost settings. Download Adblock Plus for FREE and enjoy a faster web experience, without annoying ads. Note: If you have already upgraded from Adblock Plus 2.8.2 (or below) to 3.0.0 and lost your settings, please note that we are still looking into this issue. To avoid losing all of your Adblock Plus settings, follow the steps below. Google Keep 3.1351 Hangouts Google Input Tools 10.2.0 Effortlessly switch between languages while typing on Windows devices 2.1.8 7.1.1. custom filters, enabled or disabled preferences, etc.). Adblock Plus for Firefox 2.7.3 - Download Adblock Plus for Firefox Blocks ads from popping up on the Firefox browser Download You might also be interested in. If you update directly from Adblock Plus 2.8.2 (or below) to 3.0.0 (or above), you will lose all of your Adblock Plus settings (i.e. It’s no longer allowing ads through as it was accused of in the past.

I now use it in Chrome, Firefox(which I will be 86ing on August 28th) and Vivaldi. Because of this, Adblock Plus had to migrate its settings from one format to another between versions 2.8.2 and 3.0.0. I started out using Adblock Plus but at the time it was too heavy for Opera and Firefox although perfect for Chrome. Upgrading Adblock Plus from version 2.8.2 (or below) for Firefoxīeginning with Firefox 57, Mozilla changed the way that settings are stored in extensions (check out this blog article for more information). Without uninstalling your current version of Adblock Plus, manually upgrade to Adblock Plus version 2.9.1 from the Mozilla Add-ons page.