The dates favourable to you are 4, 13, 22, 31 and specially if they fall on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. The period from 21st March to 28th April and from 10th July to 20st August brings prosperity and good luck to you.
Every year during the months of October, November & December, take special care of your health and unnecessary expenditures. You are advised not to keep friendship with them. But the people born on 1, 3, and 7 of any month are not suitable to you as a marriage partners. For MARRIAGE purpose, the persons born on 2, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 of any month will be suitable to you and they can be your FRIENDS also. The directions of North-west are not be favourable to you. For success and progress in your business and job the directions of south-east and south-west will be favourable to you. You can succeed in the Business of Electrical equipment, Tobacco, Wine, Spirit, Narcotics and Mining. In that case you can bring revolution in the field of politics, Society or religion. You will be more influenced by Pluto if you are born between 21st June to 31st August. You may run into losses if you act on the advice of others. Only one or two of your friends will support you, all other will only be taking undue advantage of your good nature, tolerance and good position. You are very expert in the art of making friends. You may suddenly acquire some disease and suddenly it may disappear also. For example, you may suddenly become millionaire and due to certain reasons you may even become penniless. 4 numerology full#
Your life is full of unexpected happenings.Number Four Bad Traits: Stubborn, Persistent Number Four Good Traits: Traditional, Organized